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International privacy regulations require that we obtain your explicit consent for the storage and usage of your personal data as listed below. Please read and respond to each of the statements before proceeding. You will only see this page once. For detailed information, please click here to see our Privacy Policy.

By clicking 'I Agree' below, you certify that you have read the Privacy Policy and agree to allow your personal information to be stored and processed in the USA by Neon on behalf of Arizona Cattle Growers' Association; to receive transactional messages (such as payment confirmation notices) sent by Neon on behalf of Arizona Cattle Growers' Association; and to share your personal information with third parties to conduct official organization business (such as required for credit card processing).
Arizona Cattle Growers' Association may also send general purpose emails related to organization participation and business, such as newsletters, event notices, important updates, and other, similar announcements. Click 'I Agree (but do not send general emails)' to maintain your relationship with Arizona Cattle Growers' Association, but prevent these emails from being sent to you.

Arizona Cattle Growers' Association may share your information with current business members and associates for marketing or other purposes. 

Administrator Note:You are signing this privacy agreement on behalf of someone else. This fact will be recorded in the member database. You are responsible for maintaining documentation of the user's agreement.


Each year, Arizona is invoiced $24,500 for the national PLC dues. This allows us four (4) votes on the Public Lands Council. We assess your dues at 7 cents per AUM, per month. If you ranch on public lands please add this additional fee to your membership fee.

To calculate Public Land Council (PLC) dues:

Head Count X 12 = ___X .07 = My Contribution of: $___

EXAMPLE: For 100 head AUM (Animal unit/per month) example 100 head X 12 months = 1,200 AUM's X .07 cents (PLC fee per AUM) = $84.00 PLC Dues


For members paying as ACGA cattle producers, we ask that you please pay an additional $1 per head if you are over 100 head.

Example: you have a total of 112 head = $12 should be paid extra on top of your membership fee of $200 for a grand total of $212.


Include a submember in your membership registration


Please enter the amount you owe for PLC dues and(or) fair share by checking the box below and entering the custom amount for total you are given through equations listed below.

PLC: AUM’s X 12 = ___X .07 = My Contribution of: $___

Fair Share: Please pay an additional $1 per head if you are over 100 head.

Please add up the two amounts you calculated for PLC and Fair Share and enter that custom amount below by checking the box "$ Add a donation" and then clicking "other amount". 

{{ installmentDes }}
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Every membership except "Friend of the Industry" automatically receives the monthly publication. If you sign up as "Friend of the Industry", you must pay an additional $55 to receive the monthly publication.
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{{subMemberDisplayName}} {{index+1}}: {{getSubMemberName(index)}}
Choose Existing Contact(s)
{{ subInstallmentDes[index] }}
Add {{subMemberDisplayName}}
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   Secure Payment
This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
{{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.startDate}} - {{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.endDate}}
Membership auto-renews monthly for {{ formatAutoRenewAmount(orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipInstallment.cost) }} until {{ orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipInstallment.endDate }}
Membership auto-renews on {{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipAutoRenew.renewDate}} for {{formatAutoRenewAmount(orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipAutoRenew.cost)}}
{{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.cost==0?'Free':formatAmount(orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.cost)}} {{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.termName}}
{{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.startDate}} - {{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.endDate}}
Membership auto-renews monthly for {{ formatAutoRenewAmount(orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipInstallment.cost) }} until {{ orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipInstallment.endDate }}
Membership auto-renews on {{orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipAutoRenew.renewDate}} for {{formatAutoRenewAmount(orderSummary.membershipOrderItem.membershipAutoRenew.cost)}}
{{sm.userName}} ({{subMemberDisplayName}})
{{sm.cost==0?'Free':formatAmount(sm.cost)}} {{sm.termName}}
{{sm.startDate}} - {{sm.endDate}}
Membership auto-renews monthly for {{ formatAutoRenewAmount(sm.membershipInstallment.cost) }} until {{ sm.membershipInstallment.endDate }}
Membership auto-renews on {{sm.membershipAutoRenew.renewDate}} for {{formatAutoRenewAmount(sm.membershipAutoRenew.cost)}}
Frequency selected: {{recurringUnitText}}. Next add-on payment processes on {{orderSummary.recurringDonationNextDate}} for {{formatAmount(orderSummary.donationAmount)}}

Discount Code


Order summary

Subtotal {{formatAmount(orderSummary.subtotal)}}
Discounts -{{formatAmount(orderSummary.discounts)}}
Total {{formatAmount(orderSummary.total)}}
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Pay Later
or enter your card details below
Payment Form Unable to Load: Your payment form is blocked by a firewall. This is most commonly due to use of an anonymous, untrusted IP address. If you are using a VPN to anonymize your IP, we recommend connecting through your local IP to complete your payment.
{{ccfpInfo.notInGoodMessage || ''}}
Please mail your payment to:
1811 S Alma School Rd
Suite 255
Mesa, AZ 85210
{{ccfpInfo.notInGoodMessage || ''}}
{{formatAmount(totalAmount)}} USD
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Membership form